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02 Jul 2024
Egyptian Exchange
  • AALR 33.80 (-2.40%)
  • ABUK 58.40 (-1.22%)
  • ACAMD 0.72 (0.42%)
  • ACAP 1.55 (-2.58%)
  • ACGC 5.84 (-1.52%)
  • ACRO 41.42 (-1.99%)
  • ADCI 81.50 (-0.61%)
  • ADIB 42.80 (-0.47%)
  • ADPC 1.91 (0.74%)
  • ADRI 0.74 (1.64%)
  • AFDI 26.03 (0.04%)
  • AFMC 20.79 (6.56%)
  • AIFI 0.44 (1.60%)
  • AIH 0.52 (-1.34%)
  • AJWA 58.36 (0.67%)
  • ALCN 46.90 (6.91%)
  • ALUM 11.71 (-0.34%)
  • AMER 0.77 (-0.26%)
  • AMES 6.92 (-18.20%)
  • AMIA 1.82 (0.55%)
  • AMOC 9.20 (-3.16%)
  • AMPI 1.28 (-1.24%)
  • ANFI 7.13 (-19.89%)
  • APSW 5.85 (4.84%)
  • ARAB 0.40 (-1.74%)
  • ARCC 9.79 (-0.81%)
  • AREH 0.68 (-0.73%)
  • ARPI 0.74 (-4.99%)
  • ARVA 1.61 (-1.29%)
  • ASCM 38.62 (-0.36%)
  • ASPI 0.32 (0.00%)
  • ATLC 3.87 (-0.77%)
  • ATLC_r2 1.16 (-3.25%)
  • ATQA 3.14 (-1.26%)
  • AXPH 217.95 (3.44%)
  • BIDI 1.46 (0.34%)
  • BIGP 0.12 (1.65%)
  • BINV 21.09 (-1.77%)
  • BIOC 28.54 (-1.21%)
  • BTFH 2.95 (-1.01%)
  • CAED 18.21 (-13.86%)
  • CANA 13.25 (0.30%)
  • CCAP 1.93 (3.60%)
  • CCRS 19.01 (0.32%)
  • CEFM 50.80 (-8.96%)
  • CERA 0.74 (4.36%)
  • CFGH 0.06 (-1.64%)
  • CICH 4.71 (-0.84%)
  • CIEB 18.83 (-0.79%)
  • CILB 0.45 (-0.88%)
  • CIRA 13.51 (0.07%)
  • CLHO 7.25 (-1.89%)
  • CNFN 4.15 (0.00%)
  • COMI 77.13 (-1.14%)
  • COPR 0.35 (4.53%)
  • COSG 0.21 (-1.91%)
  • CPCI 67.00 (-2.09%)
  • CSAG 18.33 (0.38%)
  • DAPH 55.55 (-3.78%)
  • DGTZ 1.66 (-2.01%)
  • DOMT 11.30 (5.81%)
  • DSCW 1.35 (0.30%)
  • DTPP 33.98 (-4.07%)
  • EALR 28.08 (-19.98%)
  • EASB 2.83 (-2.08%)
  • EAST 17.52 (-2.94%)
  • EBSC 0.28 (1.84%)
  • ECAP 20.26 (1.35%)
  • EDBM 0.32 (-4.46%)
  • EDFM 174.98 (0.00%)
  • EEII 1.17 (-0.76%)
  • EFIC 108.00 (-1.84%)
  • EFID 29.80 (-0.77%)
  • EFIH 26.83 (0.86%)
  • EGAL 96.50 (-1.04%)
  • EGAS 25.80 (-1.38%)
  • EGCH 7.43 (0.13%)
  • EGREF 10.71 (-19.96%)
  • EGSA 6.30 (-3.08%)
  • EGTS 5.88 (-0.17%)
  • EGX30ETF 31.25 (0.35%)
  • EHDR 0.42 (2.93%)
  • EIUD 0.19 (-1.58%)
  • EKHO 0.74 (-0.81%)
  • EKHOA 29.31 (-1.68%)
  • ELEC 2.74 (6.20%)
  • ELKA 1.55 (-1.27%)
  • ELNA 14.00 (-2.85%)
  • ELSH 6.30 (0.16%)
  • ELWA 0.59 (-2.16%)
  • EMFD 6.84 (5.23%)
  • ENGC 19.62 (-1.90%)
  • EPCO 3.36 (0.00%)
  • EPPK 7.44 (-4.98%)
  • ESRS 84.15 (0.91%)
  • ETEL 30.70 (-0.94%)
  • ETRS 4.12 (-2.60%)
  • EXPA 19.01 (-1.76%)
  • FAIT 31.54 (-1.22%)
  • FAITA 0.99 (0.51%)
  • FIRE 2.12 (-9.79%)
  • FNAR 1.94 (-8.06%)
  • FTNS 3.64 (2.54%)
  • FWRY 6.58 (0.92%)
  • GBCO 15.43 (-1.22%)
  • GDWA 5.11 (4.71%)
  • GGCC 0.40 (0.25%)
  • GIHD 21.00 (-0.05%)
  • GMCI 1.11 (-4.99%)
  • GOCO 0.52 (1.97%)
  • GRCA 7.00 (-0.85%)
  • GSSC 160.40 (-1.60%)
  • GTEX 0.04 (-4.65%)
  • GTWL 27.00 (-2.49%)
  • HDBK 43.81 (-0.70%)
  • HELI 9.83 (-0.71%)
  • HRHO 19.40 (0.10%)
  • ICFC 27.90 (-3.33%)
  • ICID 3.26 (0.00%)
  • ICMI 1.53 (0.92%)
  • IDHC 18.46 (-2.84%)
  • IDRE 14.93 (-1.58%)
  • IEEC 0.24 (-0.84%)
  • IFAP 12.00 (-0.58%)
  • INEG 0.16 (-1.23%)
  • INFI 52.62 (-4.15%)
  • IRON 24.94 (4.97%)
  • ISMA 7.80 (2.09%)
  • ISMQ 3.54 (-0.56%)
  • ISPH 3.08 (5.12%)
  • JUFO 20.48 (0.89%)
  • KABO 2.33 (0.43%)
  • KRDI 0.49 (-1.81%)
  • KWIN 20.42 (-12.85%)
  • KZPC 6.61 (-0.75%)
  • LCSW 25.17 (0.68%)
  • LUTS 0.87 (-1.82%)
  • MASR 3.85 (-0.52%)
  • MBEG 1.36 (-0.37%)
  • MBSC 38.00 (-7.25%)
  • MCQE 16.40 (1.61%)
  • MCRO 1.94 (-2.51%)
  • MENA 1.53 (-4.72%)
  • MEPA 1.02 (0.00%)
  • MFPC 45.40 (-0.77%)
  • MFSC 28.57 (-0.42%)
  • MHOT 124.65 (-2.22%)
  • MICH 44.60 (-0.36%)
  • MILS 34.40 (-7.55%)
  • MIPH 203.99 (6.26%)
  • MMAT 2.21 (-4.74%)
  • MOED 0.24 (-1.25%)
  • MOIL 0.27 (0.37%)
  • MOIN 17.00 (-0.70%)
  • MOSC 48.70 (-2.79%)
  • MPCI 86.22 (-1.86%)
  • MPCO 1.27 (6.30%)
  • MPRC 16.70 (0.00%)
  • MTIE 8.23 (-2.37%)
  • NAHO 0.13 (1.53%)
  • NCCW 4.81 (-0.41%)
  • NEDA 1.81 (-0.82%)
  • NHPS 42.00 (-0.54%)
  • NINH 6.59 (0.61%)
  • NIPH 69.00 (-0.09%)
  • OBRI 5.88 (-4.39%)
  • OCDI 43.30 (-0.89%)
  • OCPH 96.77 (-3.23%)
  • ODIN 1.68 (-0.71%)
  • OFH 0.29 (-2.98%)
  • OIH 0.39 (-0.51%)
  • OLFI 9.84 (-1.80%)
  • ORAS 276.10 (0.40%)
  • ORHD 11.80 (1.55%)
  • ORWE 23.60 (0.85%)
  • PHAR 40.30 (-2.56%)
  • PHDC 4.37 (-1.35%)
  • POUL 7.94 (0.89%)
  • PRCL 9.15 (1.55%)
  • PRDC 3.00 (2.04%)
  • PRMH 0.62 (0.49%)
  • QNBE 29.75 (-1.62%)
  • RACC 6.12 (-1.13%)
  • RAKT 16.08 (0.50%)
  • RAYA 2.00 (-4.76%)
  • REAC 4.40 (-0.68%)
  • RMDA 2.42 (2.11%)
  • ROTO 38.38 (4.69%)
  • RREI 1.06 (-1.22%)
  • RTVC 1.95 (-1.52%)
  • RUBX 4.29 (0.00%)
  • SAUD 10.51 (-2.05%)
  • SCEM 10.20 (1.49%)
  • SCEM_r2 0.38 (4.14%)
  • SCFM 36.84 (-10.84%)
  • SCTS 74.01 (-12.53%)
  • SDTI 16.00 (-3.03%)
  • SEIG 50.07 (-14.42%)
  • SKPC 27.99 (-1.48%)
  • SMFR 43.00 (-2.74%)
  • SNFC 2.67 (0.38%)
  • SPIN 5.18 (-1.89%)
  • SPMD 0.35 (-0.29%)
  • SUGR 60.39 (-1.68%)
  • SVCE 1.81 (-0.99%)
  • SWDY 48.80 (2.52%)
  • TALM 7.25 (-0.41%)
  • TANM 2.71 (0.00%)
  • TAQA 10.29 (-1.34%)
  • TMGH 59.00 (3.29%)
  • TRTO 0.03 (-5.71%)
  • UASG 0.52 (-2.63%)
  • UEFM 175.00 (-1.13%)
  • UEGC 0.73 (0.41%)
  • UNIP 0.46 (-1.73%)
  • UNIT 5.58 (0.00%)
  • UPMS 1.80 (-0.55%)
  • UTOP 17.14 (9.94%)
  • VERT 0.86 (-9.93%)
  • WCDF 245.00 (-0.99%)
  • WKOL 107.50 (-1.84%)
  • ZEOT 2.11 (0.00%)
  • ZMID 6.51 (0.15%)

Pro 10 Plus

next generation investordesktop
now supports Mac OS X system in addition to windows.

  • multi asset class and multi markets
  • windows and mac compatible
  • global workspace management
  • content, fundamental data and analytics

DFN Pro 10 Plus is designed keeping active investors in mind. It offers a flexible framework to view information and do analysis the way you want. DFN Pro 10 Plus contains advanced features and analytical tools that will satisfy the most sophisticated investor.

DFN Pro 10 Plus is built using next generation Java technology providing a crispier frontend and greatly enhanced performance. DFN Pro 10 Plus includes all the features of Pro 9, Pro 10 and host of new features, functionality and content.

DFN Pro 10 Plus is a new generation investor desktop replacing the legendary Mubasher Pro 9 platform that served smart investors in the Middle East and Asia for over a decade and enhanced wealth management in these regions. DFN Pro 10 Plus is built using state of the art next generation technology. DFN Pro 10 Plus comes with a crispier look and feel that has enhanced user friendliness while improving data coverage and performance to investors. DFN Pro 10 Plus includes all the features of Pro 9, Pro 10 and a host of new features, functionality and content that makes it a superior choice as an investment tool. DFN Pro 10 Plus comes bundled with Market Overview, Description pages, Easy Navigator and Customizable Workspaces that enhance the user experience of our landmark Pro 9 investor community closer to regional and global competitive edge .

DFN Pro 10 Plus now supports Apple Mac OS system in addition to Windows.

Key Features:
Easy installation from the web and the auto update facility.
  • time market data, news, charts and corporate actions.
  • Supports Windows and Mac platforms.
  • Supports many data sources globally and regionally.
  • Coverage of multiple asset classes including equity, ETFs, funds, derivative, commodities, fixed income & Forex.
  • Macroeconomic data, company financial statements, ratios, insider trades.
  • Advanced analytical tools for different asset classes.
  • Easy to use user defined workspaces with access to from any computer.
  • Personalized Watch Lists and Conditional Watch Lists.
  • Advanced charting including over 100 built technical indicators and large number of pre-defined strategies and patterns
  • Built in easy language to build indicators, strategies and patterns.
A few of the major features and functions of Chart are:
  • Indicators including Oscillators, Momentum, Volume, and Volatility Indicators, etc. Double-click on a chart and select one or more indicators to be inserted.
  • A wide range of Trading Patterns (Hammer, Doji, Morning Star etc.) to help in predicting future trends.
  • The Custom Indicator Builder, which incorporates its own high-level language enabling the creation of personalized Indicators/Patterns/Strategies.
  • Enhanced Technical Analysis which can be done Offline.
  • Line Studies, including Fibonacci Tools, Gann Tools, Trend Lines, Regression Lines and Price Channels, with customizable parameters
  • Price Lines/Tags on Chart with Current Day values for the selected symbol:
    • Current Price Line
    • Order Lines (Buy Pending, Buy Settled, Sell Pending, Sell Settled, Stop loss and Take Profit lines)
    • Best Bid and Best Ask tags
    • Min/Max Price lines
    • Resistance and Support Lines
  • Semi Log Scale - This sets the Y axis (Price axis) on a logarithmic scale enabling comparison of symbols with different quantitative changes on the same base level, thereby allowing easy analysis of price trends.
  • Smart Zooming and Panning options to give a view of what has happened, by specifying the interval to be analyzed.
  • Volume by Price to analyze the cash in and cash out variations of price movements, to clearly identify price points that are vulnerable to more buy and selling pressure.
  • Chart Template - Chart has pre-defined Indicator Templates in addition to custom templates which can be created and saved for future use.
  • Tabular Indicator Properties facilitates changing the data interval and time periods of Chart Indicator columns of Market Watch and Watch List windows.
  • Several drill-down techniques such as Dynamic Horizontal Lines to display price values and Dynamic Vertical Lines to display time values on a chart. The values displayed will change dynamically as the investor moves the lines along / across the chart.
  • Ability to add Graphical Elements, and the option to save charts and all added elements for later use.
  • All Announcements made by companies can be indicated on the charts and can be viewed via the charts themselves.
  • All tools in Chart are easily accessible via the Drawing Tool Palette
Terms & Conditions:

To view the Terms & Conditions please Click here

Market Coverage of DirectFN™ Pro 10 Plus

To view the market coverage of DirectFN™, please Click here

Minimum System Pre-Requisites:

  • CPU: 2.0 GHz Dual or Core 2 Due
  • Free hard disk space: 1GB
  • Internet connection: ADSL 1 Mbps
  • Screen resolution: 1024 x 768
  • RAM: 2 GB or higher for Windows 2000, Windows 2003 or Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (4 GB or higher if you are running Windows 7, Mac OS 10.7 or higher)
Note: running the system with minimum requirements mean that no other applications or services should be running on the device also the minimum screens will be allowed to open "2-3 screens" inside application.

Recommended System Pre-Requisites:

  • CPU: 2.0 GHz core i3 fourth generation
  • Internet connection: ADSL 2 Mbps
  • Free hard disk space: 5 GB
  • RAM: 4 GB for Windows 2000, Windows 2003 or Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and (6 GB or higher if you are running Windows 7 Service Pack 2, Mac OS 10.7 or higher)