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02 Jul 2024
Egyptian Exchange
  • AALR 33.80 (-2.40%)
  • ABUK 58.40 (-1.22%)
  • ACAMD 0.72 (0.42%)
  • ACAP 1.55 (-2.58%)
  • ACGC 5.84 (-1.52%)
  • ACRO 41.42 (-1.99%)
  • ADCI 81.50 (-0.61%)
  • ADIB 42.80 (-0.47%)
  • ADPC 1.91 (0.74%)
  • ADRI 0.74 (1.64%)
  • AFDI 26.03 (0.04%)
  • AFMC 20.79 (6.56%)
  • AIFI 0.44 (1.60%)
  • AIH 0.52 (-1.34%)
  • AJWA 58.36 (0.67%)
  • ALCN 46.90 (6.91%)
  • ALUM 11.71 (-0.34%)
  • AMER 0.77 (-0.26%)
  • AMES 6.92 (-18.20%)
  • AMIA 1.82 (0.55%)
  • AMOC 9.20 (-3.16%)
  • AMPI 1.28 (-1.24%)
  • ANFI 7.13 (-19.89%)
  • APSW 5.85 (4.84%)
  • ARAB 0.40 (-1.74%)
  • ARCC 9.79 (-0.81%)
  • AREH 0.68 (-0.73%)
  • ARPI 0.74 (-4.99%)
  • ARVA 1.61 (-1.29%)
  • ASCM 38.62 (-0.36%)
  • ASPI 0.32 (0.00%)
  • ATLC 3.87 (-0.77%)
  • ATLC_r2 1.16 (-3.25%)
  • ATQA 3.14 (-1.26%)
  • AXPH 217.95 (3.44%)
  • BIDI 1.46 (0.34%)
  • BIGP 0.12 (1.65%)
  • BINV 21.09 (-1.77%)
  • BIOC 28.54 (-1.21%)
  • BTFH 2.95 (-1.01%)
  • CAED 18.21 (-13.86%)
  • CANA 13.25 (0.30%)
  • CCAP 1.93 (3.60%)
  • CCRS 19.01 (0.32%)
  • CEFM 50.80 (-8.96%)
  • CERA 0.74 (4.36%)
  • CFGH 0.06 (-1.64%)
  • CICH 4.71 (-0.84%)
  • CIEB 18.83 (-0.79%)
  • CILB 0.45 (-0.88%)
  • CIRA 13.51 (0.07%)
  • CLHO 7.25 (-1.89%)
  • CNFN 4.15 (0.00%)
  • COMI 77.13 (-1.14%)
  • COPR 0.35 (4.53%)
  • COSG 0.21 (-1.91%)
  • CPCI 67.00 (-2.09%)
  • CSAG 18.33 (0.38%)
  • DAPH 55.55 (-3.78%)
  • DGTZ 1.66 (-2.01%)
  • DOMT 11.30 (5.81%)
  • DSCW 1.35 (0.30%)
  • DTPP 33.98 (-4.07%)
  • EALR 28.08 (-19.98%)
  • EASB 2.83 (-2.08%)
  • EAST 17.52 (-2.94%)
  • EBSC 0.28 (1.84%)
  • ECAP 20.26 (1.35%)
  • EDBM 0.32 (-4.46%)
  • EDFM 174.98 (0.00%)
  • EEII 1.17 (-0.76%)
  • EFIC 108.00 (-1.84%)
  • EFID 29.80 (-0.77%)
  • EFIH 26.83 (0.86%)
  • EGAL 96.50 (-1.04%)
  • EGAS 25.80 (-1.38%)
  • EGCH 7.43 (0.13%)
  • EGREF 10.71 (-19.96%)
  • EGSA 6.30 (-3.08%)
  • EGTS 5.88 (-0.17%)
  • EGX30ETF 31.25 (0.35%)
  • EHDR 0.42 (2.93%)
  • EIUD 0.19 (-1.58%)
  • EKHO 0.74 (-0.81%)
  • EKHOA 29.31 (-1.68%)
  • ELEC 2.74 (6.20%)
  • ELKA 1.55 (-1.27%)
  • ELNA 14.00 (-2.85%)
  • ELSH 6.30 (0.16%)
  • ELWA 0.59 (-2.16%)
  • EMFD 6.84 (5.23%)
  • ENGC 19.62 (-1.90%)
  • EPCO 3.36 (0.00%)
  • EPPK 7.44 (-4.98%)
  • ESRS 84.15 (0.91%)
  • ETEL 30.70 (-0.94%)
  • ETRS 4.12 (-2.60%)
  • EXPA 19.01 (-1.76%)
  • FAIT 31.54 (-1.22%)
  • FAITA 0.99 (0.51%)
  • FIRE 2.12 (-9.79%)
  • FNAR 1.94 (-8.06%)
  • FTNS 3.64 (2.54%)
  • FWRY 6.58 (0.92%)
  • GBCO 15.43 (-1.22%)
  • GDWA 5.11 (4.71%)
  • GGCC 0.40 (0.25%)
  • GIHD 21.00 (-0.05%)
  • GMCI 1.11 (-4.99%)
  • GOCO 0.52 (1.97%)
  • GRCA 7.00 (-0.85%)
  • GSSC 160.40 (-1.60%)
  • GTEX 0.04 (-4.65%)
  • GTWL 27.00 (-2.49%)
  • HDBK 43.81 (-0.70%)
  • HELI 9.83 (-0.71%)
  • HRHO 19.40 (0.10%)
  • ICFC 27.90 (-3.33%)
  • ICID 3.26 (0.00%)
  • ICMI 1.53 (0.92%)
  • IDHC 18.46 (-2.84%)
  • IDRE 14.93 (-1.58%)
  • IEEC 0.24 (-0.84%)
  • IFAP 12.00 (-0.58%)
  • INEG 0.16 (-1.23%)
  • INFI 52.62 (-4.15%)
  • IRON 24.94 (4.97%)
  • ISMA 7.80 (2.09%)
  • ISMQ 3.54 (-0.56%)
  • ISPH 3.08 (5.12%)
  • JUFO 20.48 (0.89%)
  • KABO 2.33 (0.43%)
  • KRDI 0.49 (-1.81%)
  • KWIN 20.42 (-12.85%)
  • KZPC 6.61 (-0.75%)
  • LCSW 25.17 (0.68%)
  • LUTS 0.87 (-1.82%)
  • MASR 3.85 (-0.52%)
  • MBEG 1.36 (-0.37%)
  • MBSC 38.00 (-7.25%)
  • MCQE 16.40 (1.61%)
  • MCRO 1.94 (-2.51%)
  • MENA 1.53 (-4.72%)
  • MEPA 1.02 (0.00%)
  • MFPC 45.40 (-0.77%)
  • MFSC 28.57 (-0.42%)
  • MHOT 124.65 (-2.22%)
  • MICH 44.60 (-0.36%)
  • MILS 34.40 (-7.55%)
  • MIPH 203.99 (6.26%)
  • MMAT 2.21 (-4.74%)
  • MOED 0.24 (-1.25%)
  • MOIL 0.27 (0.37%)
  • MOIN 17.00 (-0.70%)
  • MOSC 48.70 (-2.79%)
  • MPCI 86.22 (-1.86%)
  • MPCO 1.27 (6.30%)
  • MPRC 16.70 (0.00%)
  • MTIE 8.23 (-2.37%)
  • NAHO 0.13 (1.53%)
  • NCCW 4.81 (-0.41%)
  • NEDA 1.81 (-0.82%)
  • NHPS 42.00 (-0.54%)
  • NINH 6.59 (0.61%)
  • NIPH 69.00 (-0.09%)
  • OBRI 5.88 (-4.39%)
  • OCDI 43.30 (-0.89%)
  • OCPH 96.77 (-3.23%)
  • ODIN 1.68 (-0.71%)
  • OFH 0.29 (-2.98%)
  • OIH 0.39 (-0.51%)
  • OLFI 9.84 (-1.80%)
  • ORAS 276.10 (0.40%)
  • ORHD 11.80 (1.55%)
  • ORWE 23.60 (0.85%)
  • PHAR 40.30 (-2.56%)
  • PHDC 4.37 (-1.35%)
  • POUL 7.94 (0.89%)
  • PRCL 9.15 (1.55%)
  • PRDC 3.00 (2.04%)
  • PRMH 0.62 (0.49%)
  • QNBE 29.75 (-1.62%)
  • RACC 6.12 (-1.13%)
  • RAKT 16.08 (0.50%)
  • RAYA 2.00 (-4.76%)
  • REAC 4.40 (-0.68%)
  • RMDA 2.42 (2.11%)
  • ROTO 38.38 (4.69%)
  • RREI 1.06 (-1.22%)
  • RTVC 1.95 (-1.52%)
  • RUBX 4.29 (0.00%)
  • SAUD 10.51 (-2.05%)
  • SCEM 10.20 (1.49%)
  • SCEM_r2 0.38 (4.14%)
  • SCFM 36.84 (-10.84%)
  • SCTS 74.01 (-12.53%)
  • SDTI 16.00 (-3.03%)
  • SEIG 50.07 (-14.42%)
  • SKPC 27.99 (-1.48%)
  • SMFR 43.00 (-2.74%)
  • SNFC 2.67 (0.38%)
  • SPIN 5.18 (-1.89%)
  • SPMD 0.35 (-0.29%)
  • SUGR 60.39 (-1.68%)
  • SVCE 1.81 (-0.99%)
  • SWDY 48.80 (2.52%)
  • TALM 7.25 (-0.41%)
  • TANM 2.71 (0.00%)
  • TAQA 10.29 (-1.34%)
  • TMGH 59.00 (3.29%)
  • TRTO 0.03 (-5.71%)
  • UASG 0.52 (-2.63%)
  • UEFM 175.00 (-1.13%)
  • UEGC 0.73 (0.41%)
  • UNIP 0.46 (-1.73%)
  • UNIT 5.58 (0.00%)
  • UPMS 1.80 (-0.55%)
  • UTOP 17.14 (9.94%)
  • VERT 0.86 (-9.93%)
  • WCDF 245.00 (-0.99%)
  • WKOL 107.50 (-1.84%)
  • ZEOT 2.11 (0.00%)
  • ZMID 6.51 (0.15%)

Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting this Website provided by DirectFN LTD, a company duly incorporated under the laws of Dubai International Financial Centre and having its registered office at P3401 - B, Penthouse in Saeed Tower - II, Plot No. 335 - 1 15 Sheikh Zayed Road, P.O Box 26730, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, (hereinafter referred to as “We”, ”Us” or “Our”).

Your right to privacy is very important to us. We are committed to provide you with secure access to our online Services. We treat personal or proprietary information ("Personal Information") obtained through your interaction and use of this Website as private and confidential. This privacy policy describes the Personal Information we collect and how we use it. Please read this privacy policy before using this Website or submitting any Personal Information. By using this Website, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy and you give your consent to the collection and use of certain Personal Information as explained in this privacy policy.

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Web beacons provided by third parties may also be used by us in order to enhance our advertising. By using web beacons we will be able to identify the banner ads that attract users to our website.


This Privacy Policy does not cover the use and collection of your information by such third parties and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third parties and the use of such third party websites is at your own risk.

6) Our security practices

We utilize a broad array of security software, systems, and operational procedures to ensure the confidentiality and safety of your Personal Information. While no security system is flawless, we are regularly reviewing and upgrading the security technology and procedures that safeguard your confidential information.


A unique login identifier and password will be maintained for your online account access. You are responsible for keeping this login identifier and password confidential.


You must ensure that viruses, trojans, worms or equivalent items do not enter your computer system while you interact with this Website. We assume no responsibility for any loss that may arise or result from such viruses, trojans, worms or equivalent items damaging your computer system.

7) Changes to the Privacy Policy
  We encourage you to periodically review this privacy policy to be informed of the changes we make to this privacy policy. When we post changes to this privacy policy, we will revise the "last updated" date at the top of this privacy policy. Unless otherwise stated, the current version shall supersede and replace all previous versions of this privacy policy.
6) Contact Us
  If you have concerns or questions about this privacy policy, please e-mail us at: